Saturday, April 30, 2011


It's official everyone...we have a ROLLING BABY!!!! She rolled from her tummy to her back and Chris and I both got to see it!! Woohoo!! Even more exciting, Olivia was laying on her playmat this evening while I was bathing Mckayla and Chris walked into the living room to find her on her tummy when just a minute or two earlier she was on her back! So she rolled from her back to her tummy too today!!! Exciting but I'm sad we all missed it :( Chris and I stared at her to hopefully see her do it again but she seemed like she was done with it so we went on with other stuff then came back to find her on her tummy again! The little stinker did it twice without anyone seeing! We knew it was coming soon though because she has been soooo close these past few days. Way to go Olivia!!!!


The Timmons said...

How exciting! Hadley rolled over last Thurs night! Now she does it all the time! :) We have some growing girls!! Yea Olivia!