Friday, July 30, 2010

19 weeks

Wow I look even more massive in pictures! The 18th week has been a week full of changes for me, pregnancy wise. I have had multiple people say my belly really seems to have popped out...and I agree...and I have really been feeling movement from Miss Olivia! Overall I still haven't gained weight (thankfully since I look so huge) so I think so far Olivia is following my original wish for this baby to just absorb her needs from the extra "squish" that I already had/have rather than just packing on a ton more! Haha! Let's just hope things continue to go so well and I don't look like a hot air balloon after 21 potential more weeks of this...uggh! At least I feel like I finally look pregnant than just fat (for the most part anyway)!


Mimi said...

You look so beautiful! Baby Olivia makes you glow....

Love you

Lacey McKay said...

You look adorable! I love you both so much!