Yesterday we went to the zoo with Matt, Wendi, and Emily and we had so much fun! We kept telling Mckayla beforehand that we were going to the zoo with Emily and she kept saying "Emiyee" over and over. Luckily we got there before the wind was at its worst but by the time we left it was insanely windy. It was really a perfect afternoon and it definetely wore us all out (well must not have worn out Mckayla too bad because she refused to nap afterwards :)
Emily was excited over the bear and Mckayla was excited to play with Emily!
Emily giving the sleeping bear a five
The animals were all very lazy and they were crashed out with their arms and legs strewn out's another bear with it's paw on the glass
The part Chris was most excited about was the new Dinosaurs Unearthed part. It really was awesome, they had quite a few animatronic dino's set up. They moved and made noises, some kids were freaking out they were so scared! Mckayla didn't mind though!
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